Canoes, oars, life jackets, waterproof sacks, tents, inflatable mattresses, sleeping bags, flashlights, waterproof cloak and footwear…
Canoe rental per day: € 45/canoe first day, the following days € 30/canoe.
€1 per km is charged for fuel and transport costs of customers.
It includes:
1 2 or 3-seater canoe.
1 paddle per adult or child.
1 life jacket per adult or child.
1 Waterproof bag (50 liters) per canoe.
Tent rental € 12 / night.
Inflatable mat rental € 5 / night.
In case of damage or breakage of any component of the equipment, an amount of € 30 will be charged.
Canoes are delivered at the beginning of the tour and collected at the end of it. Clients are transported to the starting place.
The canoe rental per day does not include travel insurance.
What to see in Gauja National Park (Valmiera – Murjāņi):
At the Ligatne Rehabilitation Center – Secret Bunker
The Castle Complex of Cēsis – The Castle Complex
The Turaida Stone Castle – Turaida Museum Reserve